To Solve: I updated the config file to give my character admin, however it does not change anything.
Ok, there are a couple of different places to set up admin.
There’s admin in the txadmin.
There’s admin in the server config files.
There’s admin in the user table.
How do I give a user admin for txadmin?
In txadmin, click on “Admin Manager”
Click “Add” little green button, top right hand corner of the admin menu.
Follow the instructions.
How do I give a user in game admin? (mysql user table)
In your mysql editor of choice. Click on your database, click on the user table “users”.
Find the new admin’s steam idea, and update the “group” column from “user” to “admin”
Save your changes. The new admin will have to log out and log back in for the change to take effect.
Best to make the change while they are logged out, it’s simpler.
How do I give a user admin in vorp? (server config files)
Your file structure and config file names may vary, so find the correct files for your setup.
On my server we have a perms.cfg file.

Have your new admin go here and give you the FiveM, HEX information.
Cop the line for the correct level of perms for your new admin.
add_principal identifier.steam:xxxxxxxx group.admin
Replace the “xxxxxxxx” with the new admins steam data, add a “#” at then end of the text and write their name, and their in game player name so you know who they are later. It makes promotions or firing much easier.