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Crafted By Little Dragons – Planner Stickers

The rebuild of our sticker studio has started. Our new cutter is being delivered the week of Oct 21st, 2019. The sticker paper arrives the same week. We started rebuilding our basic electronic sticker files on Sept 1st, 2019. We have started rebuilding our handmade acrylic, watercolor, and gouache paintings as well. We will begin listing new items as they become available on our website starting Nov 10th, 2019.
Our store: http://craftedbylittledragons.net/product-category/stickers

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Crafted By Little Dragons – Handmade Soap

Soap production has restarted and items are being listed on our website as they finish the curring. A small batch of sample bars (irregular cut full-size bars) is available now in a limited quantity. More soap will be available on Nov 18th 2019. We only have a small amount of storage space to work with at this time, so batches will be small and limited in quantity. As items become available they will be listed here on our website.
Our store: http://craftedbylittledragons.net/product-category/soaps

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Kids Hide Away – Educational Games

If you love video games and want to support us so we can make more, then please purchase our commercially released games. Please check our Kids Hide Away store for more information about where each of our commercial games can be purchase.
Please note our educational games are always free. Our first commercially release game is scheduled to be available on Oct 27th, 2019.
Games: http://kidshideaway.net/homepage
Games: https://elsandkls.itch.io/

Kids Hide Away – Books

We are working on two different children’s (illustrated) books with a projected self-published date of June 2020. We are also working on a cozy fantasy-mystery series. We have a rough outline for 6 books, the first in the series has a completed rough draft and is now being edited. Released date for self-publishing the first book is Dec 2020. We will be selling the books on Amazon (paperback) and electronic for Amazon Kindle. They will also be available as a signed copy on our website.
Books: http://kidshideaway.net/books

Crafted By Little Dragons – Handmade Jewelry

The rebuild of our jewelry studio has not started, nor have we replaced our tools and raw materials. As such the items we have available are made with components that have been purchased from RioGrande, Fire Mountain Gems, and a few other larger suppliers. We do not have any lampwork beads available at this time. As finished jewelry items or handmade components become available they will be listed here on our website.
Our store: http://craftedbylittledragons.net/product-category/jewelry

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Crafted By Little Dragons – Handmade Glass

The rebuild of our glass studio is still ongoing. Working in a city or small town is very different than working on a rural farm. We continue to make progress and have a small temporary bench setup for doing small work. We do not have any lampwork beads available at this time. As items become available they will be listed here on our website and occasionally on eBay.
Our store: http://craftedbylittledragons.net/product-category/housewares
eBay: https://www.ebay.com/sch/erica2boo/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=

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Family Homestead

Yes, the electric fire that wiped out the homestead was rough. We intend to homestead again, however, we have not decided on where. Ohio has some amazing flat farmlands that are really enticing. Our current plan is to return to North Carolina to clean up the land. Our current budget estimates that we will be finishing the clean up from the fire between now and 2021. We are currently residing in a small rural city, and we can have a small vegetable garden. No farm animals are allowed. We can not move again for at least 3 to 5 years. There is nothing at this time you can do to directly support the return to the homestead, except to purchase items from our store, and to offer encouragement.

In the future, after we get our garden established here (Spring 2020), we will be interested in rebuilding our heirloom seed collection, so if you hear of any heirloom seeds from small farmers for sale please let us know.

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Added Oct 2019:
If you’re adamantly against consumerism and don’t want to purchase anything, but you want to help support us, we have a new option available, we can now accept donations to help fund future educational games, or homesteading. To donate please check out either of these links.

For streaming on twitch and youtube: https://streamlabs.com/ericaandcraftedbydragons

For general art donations: https://ko-fi.com/kidshideaway

For a more active role and donation system check out our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/craftedbylittledragons


Dragon Codes