-- SetEntityVisible 0x1794B4FCC84D812F SET_ENTITY_VISIBLE
entity --[[ Entity ]],
toggle --[[ boolean ]]
Citizen.Invoke value:
Entity is the EntityID (returned when using CreatePed), if a player, it is the PlayerId.
True sets the entity to be visible. False sets the entity to be invisible.
This function toggles an Entity’s visibility.
--- Example 1: set invisible
SetEntityVisible(EntityID, false) -- invisible
--- Example 2: set visible
SetEntityVisible(EntityID, true) -- visible
Additional natives used in this example, or natives commonly used with this native.
Common Errors or Problems
Problem: Unknown. Please let us know if you encounter any problems or have any questions..
Credits and Disclaimers
The base of this data was taken from the redm/cfx fivem/rdr docs, or from the redm natives database hosted on vespura while it was active. We have been saving and making notes for two years now, and are now adding them to our site for everyone to use. We will be modifying the notes as needed, and building tutorials around the data so these pages will change as we work on it. This is a manual process, not an automated one, so updates will occur as we have time, the priority is releasing resources. Thanks for your patience.
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