by Crafted By Little Dragons
Crafted By Little Dragons creates scripts to enhance role-play and world interaction. This script allows players to forage in-game plants for flowers.
🐉 Search for plants
🐉 Custom player feedback
🐉 Db check and update (admin tool)
🐉 Pick berries animation
🐉 Cool down for plants
🐉 Vorp support (give items, player name, messages)
🐉 Redem support (give items)
🐉 Requires db access
🐉 Documented and customizable
Want to see the script in action check out my dev server:
In for a Penny? – Wild West Penny Economy
— youtube video —

Vorp Core
Have Fun!
** PRICE **
Version 1 – $10.00 each
Tebex Store : Forage Scripts
How to install:
—- Download the zip and extract it to your resources folder.
—- Add the package directory name to your server.cfg or resources.cfg.
Example: “ensure cc_ForagePlantsSeeds”
—- Update the config file as needed.
—- Restart the server
Change Log:
April 2023 – VORP Support and prices
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 813 |
Requirements | VORP |
Support | Yes |
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Crafted By Little Dragons creates scripts to enhance role-play and world interaction.
- Scripts can be purchased at ``
- For assistance, please create a support ticket on our website ``
- Please use the email address you purchased the script with to create the support ticket and account.
- [DISCORD](``)
- [DISCORD RULES] – Be polite, professional, and patient in your communications with staff, dev, and the general community.