How do I add paying a player to any vorp core based script?
If you are adding it to one of my scripts, these are the steps.
If you are adding it to someone elses scripts, then the steps may be different, but should be similar enough to follow along.
Add the following code to config.lua, if config.lua does not exist, then add it.
Config = {}
Config.paymentamount = 5 -- interger
Config.paymenttype = 0 -- 0 for cash, 1 for gold
Config.ScriptName = GetCurrentResourceName()
** Note: If “Config = {}” already exists in the file then ignore that line. you do not need it twice.
Add the following code to the server.lua file. If server.lua does not exist add it.
VorpCore = core
AddEventHandler(Config.ScriptName..':PayPlayer', function( --[[source]] )
local _source = source
print("payment, type",Config.paymentamount, Config.paymenttype)
local Character = VorpCore.getUser(_source).getUsedCharacter
if Character.lastname == nil then
Character = VorpCore.getUser(_source).getUsedCharacter
if Character.firstname == nil then
Character = VorpCore.getUser(_source).getUsedCharacter
local playername = Character.firstname .. ' ' .. Character.lastname
local _price = tonumber(Config.paymentamount)
local steamhex = GetPlayerIdentifier(_source)
if Config.paymenttype == 0 then -- 0 for cash, 1 for gold
PaymentType = "cash"
PaymentType = "gold"
local server_text = playername.." was paid $".._price.." in ".. PaymentType .. " by " .. Config.ScriptName
local player_text = "You received $".._price.." in ".. PaymentType
Character.addCurrency(Config.paymenttype, _price)
print server_text
TriggerClientEvent("vorp:TipBottom", _source, player_text, 3000)
This connects to vorp core, creates the variables, and pulls out the players name, and pays the player and sends the confirmation to the client.
In client.lua add something like this example to where ever you want the payment to be triggered. If you do not have a client.lua, then add it to whatever client side script you do have.
print(Config.ScriptName..':PayPlayer ', Config.paymentamount, Config.paymenttype)
If you create any files make sure to add them to the fxmanifest.lua file under client or server scripts.
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