Day 9 – RedM/CFX/VORP Project – (To Do) Game does not pull updated vorp data from mysql database.
To Solve: I am able to modify the vorp database to give my character objects, and money, however the game does not pull that data. How do I force it…
To Solve: I am able to modify the vorp database to give my character objects, and money, however the game does not pull that data. How do I force it…
To Solve: I am unable to autosave my character during play.
manually save my character on exit
How do I force the client to use a specific build?
client crashes with steam error
A Lesson or Commentary on what not to do. Loads ok: ensure vorp_adminmenu #loads ensure vorp_barbershops #loads ensure vorp_character #loads ensure vorp_cinema #loads ensure vorp_housing #loads ensure vorp_postman #loads ensure…
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