Dragon Codes creates scripts to enhance role-play and world interaction.
Train Themed Fast Travel – FAQ – by Dragon Codes
This script allows the player to travel the map faster. Purchase a ticket at any train station and travel to your destination.
- npc ticket seller
- redefined locations
- customize prices
- customize locations
- custom blips
- custom message
- custom trigger key
- turn locations on and off
- train cutscene
Screenshot Gallery

Video Showcase
- Scripts can be purchased at `https://crafted-by-little-dragons.tebex.io/`
- For assistance, please create a support ticket on our discord server.
- Please use the email address you purchased the script with to create the support ticket and account.
- [DISCORD](`https://discord.gg/pTgJNjVDby`)
- [DISCORD RULES] – Be polite, professional, and patient in your communications with staff, dev, and the general community.